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Suction entire tongue against palate. Lower the jaw, keeping tongue tip to spot, as the back section of the tongue is released making a “clicking”
Suction entire tongue against palate. Lower the jaw, keeping tongue tip to spot, as the back section of the tongue is released making a “clicking”
While mouth is open, place tip of tongue on one corner of the lips. Be sure the tongue always stays in the mouth. Utilize a
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With lips closed and teeth slightly apart, alternate punching the insides of your cheeks with your tongue. *minimize jaw movement as much as possible* GOAL:
With your lips closed, start with the tip of the tongue on the outside of your top back teeth. Slide tongue around the outside of
Office addresses (two locations): 3920 Market Street, Suite 300, Camp Hill, PA 17011 and
4601 Devonshire Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17109
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